Paradise Compared

Destination: Dominican Republic

Island Map

Dominican Republic (DR) is on a tropical island paradise in the Carribean Island chain. The island is lush with vegetation and has been maintained, but does not have complete contemporary civic services like good drinking water. This was very surprising to me after travelling to Hawaii, and in a real way I found this deeply disturbing given all it would take is a little extra investment in public services. However no one takes a vacation to complain the entire time, so it's best to listen to your tour facilitators and "Don't Drink The Water".

This was not the first negative piece of information I received before arriving at my hotel room on the first night, however after going to Hawaii I conceived I should experience a place that is not entirely paradise. Given Haiti is located on the same island, it is not a wonder to me that DR is a very different kind of paradise. It would appear that DR has been faced with many more problems over its existence than Hawaii, and it is a shame that the island has not been better maintained and cared for. I wouldn't recommend DR for the faint of heart or those expecting paradise, because it isn't the kind of paradise that comes without a threat. This became immediately obvious the first night as I slowly realized not knowing Spanish really did place one at a certain disadvantage with many different things. If you book a larger resort to stay at this should alleviate many concerns, however I should not wonder that no matter how nice the resort that is arranged, there will still be some lingering possible problems. This has everything to do with the legacy of colonial development, and if you read into the islands history you will discover more. Before the first day was over we were discovering many oddities, met several Canadians with similar concerns, and even a Canadian who had wound up in the hospital on his first day there, but now you MUST enjoy senoir!

Los Haistises

Los Haitises amazing national park area Sit back and enjoy paradise lost

Los Haistises is a natural park in the Dominican Republic where cave man drawings have been uncovered. The coast line of this area is also very amazing, as the salt water has eroded much of the limestone rock. Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint! Oh to shave with a real rasor and not this piece of flint!