The Portfolio of David Klassen

A New Version Of This Site
It is time to rebrand my website, change the look and feel, and help demonstrate to others my skills as a Web Developer. If you like what I have done here and would like to see your own site modified, changed, or rebranded get in touch with me I am always looking for good work and new projects!


A Web Design Project
I have always been able to create a web page in HTML, but I never truly had tackled the issues with CSS, Layout, Responsive Design, jQuery plugins, Icons/Sprites, or understood the division between new CSS/3 and HTML/5 features. In this website I tried to combine all these aspects of Web Design and create my own WebApplication, not just a Web Service.


Mentor for SANS 542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking
Now helping to Mentor security concerned professionals with SANS 542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking


Resume of David Klassen
A description of my Education and Career as of June 2015.


Recent Developments
The following applications have been developed over the last three years.


Prevent Unvalidated Redirects
This is a PHP/Javascript example explaining how Unvalidated Redirects may be exploited in your web applications. Simple unvalidated redirects that stay within Same Origin Policies are not as bad as Open Redirects, but they still represent an area of weakness for your web application that an attacker may be able to control. Understanding how an attacker might seek to control your application, can be important for knowing how defend an application, and ensure adequate protections have been put in place.


Session Cookie Review
This is a PHP/Javascript example showing how using Cookie flags can prevent Javascript cookie access. While creating the example I learned that Cookies which are flagged as 'Secure' but not 'HttpOnly' cannot be changed, however the cookie itself can actually be removed by Javascript in the browser. Your handling of each cookie option/flag is important when you are attempting to plan for cookie handling in your web application's system session architecture, and both 'Secure' and 'HttpOnly' flags are necessary in order to ensure the best protection possible.


Dance Is A Poem - Interactive Movie
This Flash Movie was created by a team of five people (Writer, Director, Artist, and Programmers), as a part of the Masters of Digital Media(MDM) Program at the Center for Digital Media. I helped create the Flash interactivity and attempted to integrate smoothly with the film, without taking away from the flow of action. It was a group effort so I can really only take credit for reading a book on Flash, however I hope you'll agree it is an interesting piece which with today's broadband access allows for significant accessibility, interaction and enjoyment.


Its Your City - Cultural Content
This Drupal website was created by a team of six people (Project Manager, Writer, Director, Artists, and Programmer), as a part of the Masters of Digital Media(MDM) Program at the Center for Digital Media. I helped create this Drupal website in order to help share video information and content focused on informing people about issues of Locality with in different geographic areas. We had a few user stories we wanted to communicate to viewers. The goal was to allow people to post YouTube/Vimeo videos on the site using pre-made Drupal modules. What follows are the videos and information we collected to describe Vancouver.


uContact - Address Book
This Java web application has been designed to be easy to use and simple to navigate. A user can Add, Modify, Delete, or Search for contacts already entered. It requires a user to login with credentials for role based activities(username: admin, password: admin). This three tier web application makes use of an Apache Webserver, a Tomcat Java Application Server, and a MYSQL database. A combination of HTML, CSS, JSP, JSTL, EL, i18n, and well placed graphics provides a visually pleasing interface.


uEmploy - WebManager - SOAP Service xsd1 xsd2
This Java web application uses the the Java displaytag library to easily display SessionBean object Lists in a configurable table. A user can Add, Delete, or Search for employees. This web app makes no database calls directly, instead it uses a JAX-WS SOAP service provided by a Java Service Endpoint Interface. This four tier web application makes use of an Apache Webserver, a Tomcat Java Application Server, a Java SEI, and a MYSQL database. A combination of HTML, CSS, JSP, JSTL, EL,, and JAX-WS provide a simple yet powerful interface.


uEmploy - WebManager - REST Service xsd
This Java web application uses the the Java displaytag library to easily display SessionBean object Lists in a configurable table. A user can Add, Delete, or Search for employees. This web app makes no database calls directly, instead it uses a JAX-RS REST service provided by a separate application server. This four tier web application makes use of an Apache Webserver, a Tomcat Java Application Server, a JBOSS Java Application Server, and a MYSQL database. A combination of HTML, CSS, JSP, JSTL, EL,, and JAX-RS provide a simple yet powerful interface.


WebUI Features - JQuery
This is a set of JQuery/Javascript features I have created to illustrate how JQuery is mandatory for any Web UI toolkit:
Picture Viewer - click on a small picture to see it displayed in frame.
Popup Videos - mouse over links and pop-up window animations appear.
Vacation Planner - simple to use UI for selected depature and return dates.
Input AutoChecker - give a user instant feed back concerning invalid input.
Page Animation - movable tabs that allow for structured graphical page features
Style Morpher - an example of how to offer multiple styles for viewing an interface.
AJAX Search Hints - an AJAX example of how retrieve and process XML, and supply dynamic input hints.
Prevent Unvalidated Redirects - a Javascript example describing the dangers behind unvalidated redirects.
Session Cookie Review - a Javascript example showing how using Cookie flags prevents Javascript access.


Smart Phone - Signing Service
No sample data can be provided to demonstrate this work due to NDA legal documents. Essentially an application server was used to provide signing services to a major smart phone device provider, in order to ensure scheduled software for installation on a device(over a CDN) used only 100% authentic and approved software. An XML document was used for communicating the request, using many different base64 encoded data fields.


Corinex - Network Management System
No sample application or data can be provided to demonstrate this work due to NDA legal documents. This application was a Windowed non-web application providing device information for network elements used to provide a layer 2 backbone for transmitting Internet data. For more information please refer to a current resume.


nCase Practicum
A Collection of Presentation material used to describe a practicum project completed at BCIT.


nCase Demonstration Video [ .wmv ] [ .avi ] [ MPEG-2 ]
This is a video file which demonstrates how the nCase: Restricted Access Firewall operates. It was used to present the nCase solution to the Adjudication Commitee for the 2007 BCNET Broadband Inovation Challenge competition. nCase won the second runner up prize of $500.


nCase Poster Presentation
This is the nCase Poster presented at the BCNET Advanced Network Conference.


nCase Presentation Slides [ HTML ] [ Windows ]
These are the presentation slides that describe how the nCase: Restricted Access Firewall operates. Combined with the above movie it was used present the nCase solution to the Adjudication Commitee for the 2007 BCNET Broadband Inovation Challenge competition. nCase won the second runner up prize of $500.


Various Content
A Collection of Code and Lectures I have Created


nCase: Restricted Access Firewall
This program was the subject of an intense practicum I completed at BCIT, in order to attempt to provide better security for enterpises engaged in operating SCADA Systems. It was designed to operate on an Intrinsyc PXA270 embedded Linux board (ie. a handheld sized board). The configuration provides a firewall that does not allow any external access. If external access is required a remote client can request to open a port by using a custom encryption channel. In this way access through the firewall to the internal network is only available to those that know the custom encryption/protocol. Access is further monitored by a configuration file that can be as restrictive as required.


Encrypted Covert Channel
This program was designed to offer selective access to a machine. It is an experimental design attempting to discover how networks are compromised, rather than to facilitate such an enterprise.


Buffer Overflow Talk
A presentation I created to describe how remote buffer overflow attacks can be perpetrated and prevented.


Port Forwarder Daemon
A Port Forwarding Server and message protocol allows a client to request one machine forward its TCP connections to a specific remote host:port pair. Full port forwarding request and delete functionality has been implemented.


Simple File Server
A simple file server client application I created to fulfill a course requirement.


Security Engineering Trivia
When it comes to creating applications that are resistant to attack, the goal is to build-in Protections and Prevent glaring weaknesses. From a security engineering perspective solving architectural Weaknesses is just the start of the process. When weaknesses are found the goal is sometimes not just to eliminate them, but to also Understand how to protect against the conceived/probable Attacks. Eliminating weaknesses is one of our goals, but learning about weaknesses builds up our knowledge of what Defenses are actually needed. Also removal may not always immediately be Possible, we might first need to apply some Protections until the system/feature can be Replaced. Depending on how Important a system is for a Business, will largely determine what kind of improvements are Probable. Once we begin to see Improvements in the implied protection of a software feature/component/application/architecture, we begin to see some progress in application Defense. A good game of Prevention, Protection, and Defense should help lead to reducing the attack surface externals have to play with, and increase the ability of an application owner to reduce Risk.

Just announced the BCNET 2007 conference " Making Connections Sharing Knowledge for Greater Innovation" will be streamed live via. a webcast on April 17th and 18th (Select presentations only).
Check the web site for updates.